Privacy Policy
Maintaining the security of your data is a priority of Robert W Le Page, Architects & Chartered Surveyors and we are committed to respecting your privacy rights. We pledge to handle your data fairly and legally at all times. Robert W Le Page, Architects & Chartered Surveyors is also dedicated to being transparent about what data we collect about you and how we use it.
This policy provides you with information about:
• How we use your data
• What personal data we collect
• How we protect your data
• Your legal rights relating to your personal data
• Our legitimate interests
How we use your data
Robert W Le Page, Architects & Chartered Surveyors and staff, acting in your interest will use your data:
• To manage and maintain name and address and details provided in relation to your future, current or past projects
• To verify your identity
• To contact you in relation to your future, current or past projects
• To use your data professionally in relation for correspondence and completing forms and details for all relevant authorities.
• To use your data professionally when dealing with contracts and liaising with Contractors, Sub-Contractors, Suppliers and other professionals relating to the contract
We will not use your data for marketing purposes.
Sharing data with third parties:
Robert W Le Page, Architects and Chartered Surveyors will not disclose your personal data to any third parties that are not related to your future, present or past projects. We will never sell or rent your data to other organizations for marketing purposes.
We may share your data with:
• States bodies, regulators, law enforcement agencies, courts, tribunals and insurers where we are required to do so to comply with our legal obligations
• To exercise our legal right (for example in court cases)
• For the prevention, detection and investigation of crime or the prosecution of offenders
• For the protection of our employees
• For the purpose of liaising with Contractors, Sub-Contractors, Suppliers and other professional Consultants in relation to your projects
• For use in Contract Documents in relation to your projects
• For use in liaising with all relevant States Authorities when completing correspondence, documentation and forms required for all relevant authorities
• For insurance and insurance valuation purposes
How long we keep data:
We would normally keep your data for a minimum of 7 years, however, data is usually kept for a much longer period as it is used for liaison with you in relation to previous projects. Data will be kept with and as long as we retain the property records on our files.
What personal data we collect
Robert W Le Page, Architects & Chartered Surveyors may collect the following information about you:
• Details that you provide or from Cadastre/Greffe records
• Your Christian and Surname
• Your contact details, including postal address, landline and mobile telephone numbers and email address
• Additional details from you which will include a Company name, registered address and any landline or mobile telephone numbers and email addresses if different to your personal ones
• Copies of any correspondence between us
• Copies of correspondence between Contractors, Sub-Contractors, Suppliers and professional consultants relating to your projects
• Correspondence between all relevant States Authorities relating to your projects
How we protect your data
Robert W Le Page, Architects & Chartered Surveyors is committed to keeping your personal data safe and secure:
• Ensuring data is stored on our files and IT systems and is only used by Robert W Le Page or his staff
• Data used on our IT systems or computers are password protected and only used by Robert W Le Page or his staff
• Regular reviewing of the security of our IT systems
• Encrypting data where appropriate
Your legal rights
• The right to ask what personal data we hold about you
• The right to ask us to update and correct any out of date or incorrect data
Our legitimate interests
The normal legal basis for processing your data is that it is necessary for the legitimate business interests of Robert W Le Page, Architects & Chartered Surveyors in relation to your future, present and past projects:
• Complying with our legal and regulatory obligation
• Preventing, detecting and investigating all forms of crime and prosecuting offenders
• Protecting Robert W Le Page, Architects & Chartered Surveyors, employees and other individuals and maintaining their safety, health and welfare
• Handling contacts, queries, complaints and disputes
• Fulfilling our duties to you for professional purposes
Contact us
If you wish to see the personal details which we hold for you, then please contact us at:
or write to us at:
Robert W Le Page, Architects & Chartered Surveyors, Coach-House Studio, Belmont Court, King’s Road, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 1QA
This policy was first issued in May 2018 and will be reviewed as required but no less than annually by Robert W Le Page